Professional designations in the call centre industry are essential for ensuring quality and accountability. These designations serve as a benchmark of expertise, signaling to employers and clients alike that an individual has met specific standards of knowledge,...
Unconscious Bias & Inclusivity in the workplace

Unconscious Bias & Inclusivity in the workplace

Despite the call for inclusivity and belonging in workplaces, unconscious bias often lurks beneath the surface. This behavior influences perceptions, decisions, and interactions in subtle yet profound ways. The impact of unconscious bias on organizational culture, its...

QCTO Changes: Impact on Skills Development Providers (SDPs)

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) plays a pivotal role in shaping the skills development landscape in South Africa. As the QCTO continues to evolve its framework and standards, Skills Development Providers (SDPs) must stay informed about the latest...
What is the SETA? Sector Education and Training Authority

What is the SETA? Sector Education and Training Authority

In South Africa, the pivotal role played by Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) stands as a beacon for the nation’s economic growth and empowerment. Established with a clear mandate, SETAs are instrumental in driving skills development, fostering...
Ethical SEO Practices in the HR Industry

Ethical SEO Practices in the HR Industry

 Upholding Integrity and Combating Brand Keyword Poaching The human resources (HR) industry has become increasingly competitive and increases in complexity each year. The utilization of search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly prevalent as companies...